5 most in-demand tech skills

Arthur Wilson
3 min readMay 26, 2021

More jobs than ever before are listing tech skills as a basic requirement. The UK is experiencing a massive shortage when it comes to tech skills in the workplace. The good news is that learning some of the most in-demand tech skills has never been easier or more accessible. Thousands of people across the country are learning some of the tech skills that employers are crying out for.

If you’re looking for a new career trajectory or are simply looking for ways to boost your CV, here are the five most in-demand tech skills that could transform your career path.

1: Digital marketing skills

If a business doesn’t have a web presence these days, then it’s simply not going to be found by its customers. The world of digital marketing is more important than ever, and even a basic understanding of SEO, content marketing, and social media management can turn a potential employee into a must-have.

With the huge shortage of digital skills that the UK is facing, digital marketing is one of those skill sets that will make it much more likely for you to get a job interview.

2: Website developers

Ecommerce continues to be of vital importance to every business, and having a powerful website that works hard for you is essential. While there’s no shortage of website building platforms available, the fact is that it takes time to design, build, and maintain a website. Whether you learn the coding needed to build a website from scratch or you perfect the process of building an eCommerce store on Shopify or Wix, being able to create the websites that businesses need is an in-demand skill that businesses of all sizes and sectors are looking for.

3: Online security experts

As businesses and consumers spend more time online than ever, so too do cybercriminals. They are an ever-present threat to a business, and any business that doesn’t give serious thought to its online security processes is going to have problems with viruses, ransomware, or damaging hacks. Being more aware of online security is always going to be of value, and the more that you learn, the more likely that you will be a beneficial hire for an employer. Becoming a cybersecurity professional can also be a very lucrative career.

4: ERP experts

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is using different software and technologies to integrate the primary business processes that businesses have to do. It’s a huge sector to explore and one of the most in-demand tech skills that employers are looking for. Just have a look at the sheer range of SAP jobs in Germany alone. SAP also provides industry recognised certification and training, so learning how to manage those business processes using the latest cutting-edge tech tools and resources has never been easier.

5: Artificial intelligence

Forget Terminators and The Matrix, artificial intelligence (AI) is already here, and you are already using it. If you have a phone sitting next to you, then you have some of the most advanced AI in the world at your fingertips. Businesses are using AI already and in a wide variety of ways. From data analysis to AI-powered customer chatbots, learning more about AI and how it can change everything for a business is a long-term tech skill that’s only growing more important year on year. Businesses that aren’t integrating AI into their management are only going to fall behind their competitors that do. That means the demand for AI specialists is only going to grow.

Whether you’re hoping to swap careers or you’re looking for a way to boost your CV and get a job that pays more, tech skills are the way to achieve your goals. Think about what you excel at already and focus your learning on the relevant tech skills that are most in-demand.



Arthur Wilson

Marketing Consultant, avid blogger and bass player.