Engaging remote workers (WEBINAR)

Arthur Wilson
1 min readJun 29, 2021

The Covid-19 pandemic has seen a surge in the number of us working away from a central workplace.

For many, it was a long-overdue shift towards more flexible patterns of working. Organisations around the world adapted at rapid speed, buying laptops and buying Slack licences to enable the continuation of work.

But for newly remote workforces, how do you maintain engagement? Office-based practices designed to show appreciation, reward achievement and build team cohesiveness are difficult to translate into the digital realm.

To explore this topic, we teamed up with our friends at Revoco to discuss this in more detail, including how internal communications have never been more important, and some of the new practices you can put in place to ensure employee engagement and a digital workplace culture can thrive.

Watch a short preview below, and sign-up to access the full webinar here.



Arthur Wilson

Marketing Consultant, avid blogger and bass player.